WELCOME TO Marwat Law Attornies

Our Marwat Law Attornies Law Firm believes that clients' success determines our own. So we ensure both by collaborating with our clients to achieve their goals.

Civil Disputes

We specialize in all the domains of Civil law litigation. Be that a land dispute, partition, Preemption,. Mortgage, contracts and their performances, arbitration, torts and defamation, declaration of titles, or Civil wrongs, including land possession, partition, commercial, corporate and injunctions, our law firm plead cases right from the Court of first instance i.e. Court of Civil Judge up to the Supreme Court of Pakistan , our Lawyers have a track record of success in legal battles.

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Criminal Practice

Our core team specializes in Criminal practice and our law firm has always been the 1st choice of both the crime victims as well of the innocent accused. Murder, Robberies, Terrorism, Accountability cases, fraud, Cheating , accidents, Narcotics, illegal dispossession, hurt cases, and other kinds of crimes related matters are dealt by experienced lawyers and based on our belief to secure justice for the righteous, our record of success is outstanding.

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Cyber Crimes

The Cyber Crimes are quickly spreading in the Pakistani society and with the introduction of ETO 2002 and various Electronic crimes Ordinances promulgated since 2005 till 2009, NR3c directorate of FIA has spread its arms to almost all the parts of the country. Our firm CEO MR Sher Afzal Khan is the author of the treatise ' The Cyber Crimes Control in Pakistan' and he is regarded as an exprt on the Cyber crimes law in Pakistan. He has delivered many lectures in various Universities and to law enforcing agencies on the subject. Our Firm has the distinction of 100 % victory in Cyber crimes cases.

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Laws of Pakistan

Law firms providing legal advice and representation in family law matters including divorce, domestic violence, child custody, child support, separation agreements, compensation and maintenance, adoption, visitation and other legal issues pertinent to the family.

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Child Custody

Child custody is a burning issue for every divorce in Pakistan, which makes both parents to know about child custody laws. Each parent seeks every kind of legal provision to gain custody of their child even though being a single parent is tough. Child welfare is the key factor taken into consideration by the court while granting custodial rights to any parent. Thus, aspects such as financial stability of parent, reported misconduct, character and capacity of parent are given importance.

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Debt Recovery

We are among few top-rated andd best debt recovery and debt collection agencies in Pakistan. We provide services for Debt Collection, Debt Recovery, Asset Tracking, Documents verification, Identity verification and more. As a debt collection agency we have shown very good success to our existing customers.

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Court Marriage

The court marriage is a formal union of a man and a woman, typically solemnized by legal procedure in the court of law, by which they become husband and wife. Such a marriage is solemnized before the Magistrate/Registrar of the area where both or any of the parties to such a marriage reside.

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That clients success determines.we ensure both by clients success determines collaborating with our clients achieve their goals.
Marwat Law is a well reputed law firm based in Islamabad, Rawalpindi. The firm also have its presence in few other cities including Islamabad, Rawalpindi, to accommodate the increasing workload coming from everywhere. In its administrative and professional set-up, Marwat Law and Associates is comparable to any National corporate and commercial law firms, we also have years of experience in Family Laws, Civil Litigation, Criminal Litigation, Cyber Crimes, Court Marriages in Pakistan, Child Custody and maintenance cases, Divorce and Khula.
We are a Firm that provides a diversified range of litigation services, consultancy services, alternate dispute resolution services, advisory services, institutional capacity building services, case research and expert opinion services to multi-national companies, industry associations, Government bodies, statutory bodies, diplomatic missions, regulatory agencies, and other entities.In addition to our office based services, we provide Special Legal Services to Overseas Pakistanis, Foreign Nationals and Companies having their interest within Pakistan.